Course Pricing

The following courses are offered through both the Justice Institute of BC and Holland College (Atlantic Police Academy):

**Many police agencies require that their officers take a certain number of credits towards their promotional process. Since the courses are expected to be taken on their own time, at their own expense, certain CTI courses meet the increment requirements and are offered at a lower cost to the officers.

Please note: You must qualify in order to receive the lower course price.

All courses are subject to a 5% GST (General Sales Tax)

Current course dates

On-Going Courses

The following courses are offered on an on-going basis through Cyber Training International:

BUNDLE PRICING: Take all of the above “On-Going Courses” together and save 20% off of the total price. That’s a $106.00 savings or two FREE courses! All courses must be completed within six (6) months of applying. Read more or:

All courses are subject to a 5% GST (General Sales Tax)

Current course dates

Cyber Training International reserves the right to restrict student access due to the sensitivity of the subject matter being taught.

Please see our Course Policies & Requirements.

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